Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Chapter 21

As the trial goes on,Calpurnia takes Jem,Scout and Dil back home from the courtroom,as Aunt Alexandra was worried because they were not back home.Back at home, they eat silently and Aunt Alexandra does not say a word.When they come back to court, it feels as though time is passing really slowly until the get the verdict,and eventually they get their answer.Guilty.

In chapter 21 Tom Robinson Lost the Trial.
PICTURE (injustice)


1.Jem is convinced that Atticus has won and overrides Reverend Sykes warning. Why does Jem do this? What does this say about his innocence?
2.Tom Robinson is definitely not guilty, why is he accused anyway?
3.Atticus loses his case but the African-American spectators stand up as he passes anyway, why do they do this?
4.Why do people send food to Atticus? What does this say about Atticus? Why food?

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