Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Chapter 23

When Scout and Jem see Atticus, they decide to try persuade him into buying a gun for his own safety.But Atticus tells them that you have to put yourself in Mr.Ewell’s shoes, he would rather get spat in the face and save Mayella a beating.Atticus also think that the law should change so “only judges have the power of fixing the penalty in capital cases” (220). Later on, Scout asks Aunt Alexandra if she can invite Walter Cunningham but Scout can’t because Walter is “white trash” (225). According to Jem,there are three types of people, but Scout thinks there are one type of people, but then why can’t they get along?

In Chapter 23 Scout and Jem argue about the different kinds of people in Maycomb. Scout says that all people are the same and that there is only one kind of people in the world. Which again shows her innocence. On the Picture you see kids that are all equal.

1. What do we learn about Atticus' view about justice and law in this chapter? How does hisview differ from yours?
2. What would you have done if you were pat in the face with tobacco spit? Why is Atticus so cool about it?
3. How are people classified in Maycomb? How are people classified in Dakar?

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