Monday, April 26, 2010

Chapter 31

Eventually, everyone starts settling down and Boo asks Scout to walk him home and she starts understnading what Atticus meant, most peoples aren't bad but you have to walk in their shoes.

This is a picture of two people holding hands, like Boo and Scout walking home.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Chapter 30

Now that they know what happened the need to figure out who stabbed Mr.Ewell,. Atticus says its likely that Jem "got hold of Ewell's knife somehow"(272). Yet Mr.Heck Tate has has his mind set on thinking that Mr.Ewell stabbed himself when he stumbled over a root. Although Atticus won't have it, Mr. Tate is still the sheriff of Maycomb County and he KNOWS Mr.Ewell got stabbed.

The knife that Bob Ewell apparently fell on according to Mr.Tate.

Chapter 29

When Mr.Tate interrogates Scout , she simply tells him that she thinks Mr.Ewell tried to choke her and didn't manage so he tried using a knife. Luckily her Ham costume managed to save her from any harm. Suprisingly, the person who picked up Jem was Boo Radley, has he finally decided to come out?

This is a picure of a broken arm,when Mr.Bob Ewell broke Jem's arm.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Chapter 27

By October Mr.Bob Ewell has lost been fired, and he managed to frighten Helen Robinson when she walked pass the Ewell house.As Halloween comes by,Scout remembers when some kids came by Miss Frutti and Tutti's home and hid their furniture in the cellar. Mrs.Merriweather decuded to have a pageant called Maycomb County: Ad Astra Per Apera and scout is to act like a Ham. Since non one can take her there, Jem decided to go with her while its pitch black.

Litterary Luminary
1.Page 248, paragraph 4 (controversial)
2. Page 249, paragraph 2 (Important and though provoking)
3. Page 249 paragraph 4 (Important)
4. Page 250 paragraph 2 (Important)

Scout goes to her school pageant dressed up as ham the kids are supposed to represent the good of Maycomb. Since no one can go with her Jem goes with her.
I choose the video because it's also an elementary pageant and i think its really cute how the come out and get presented.


Chapter 28

As Scout and Jem head to the pageant Cecil Jacobs scared them and tells them that the pageant has not started yet. During the performance, Mrs.Merriweather takes a while so Scout ends up falling asleep and when Mrs.Meriweather calls out " Ham" Scout has to scramble to the stage.When they head home Jem thinks he hears someone following them and eventually he hears someone runnign behind them. When Scout hears Jem scream, he is soon carried by a man who she follows home. Jem's arm is broken but he'll be fine. When Mr.Tate looks at the scene, he tells them what he found out. Mr.Bob Ewell was stabbed.

Scout and Jem walk from the pageant home. On the way though the dark forest they are followed by Bob Ewell, which breaks Jem's elbow.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Chapter 26


As school starts, Jem and Scout are going seperate ways only seeing one another during lunch time. Scout still wonders when she will ever get to see Boo Radley come out of the house before she dies, but Atticus makes it clear that she is to stay away from the house.Back at school, Miss Gates tells them that what Hitler is doing to the Jews is wrong, and when Scout asks Jem about why can they hate Hitler but then do bad things to people in Maycomb, he gets mad. Apparently he is trying to forget something but meanwhile he was "storing it away for a while until enough time passed" (247).

What Hitler is doing to the Jews is wrong and scout wonders why the Maycomb people are still racist.

Chapter 25

When Jem taught Dill how to swim, they went swimming in a creek, which was when Atticus was about to tell the news to Helen Robinson that they picked them up with Calpurnia. According to Dill, Helen "fell down in the dirt" (240) and Atticus and Calpurnia led her to a cabin and they stay there awhile before Atticus comes out.The news of Tom's death intrigued Maycomb , so Mr.Underwood managed to say what he thought of this "senseless killing" (241).

Jem teaches Dill how to swimm before he leaves.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Chapter 24

Miss Maudie, Mrs.Farrow and Mrs.Merriweather come over to the Finch’s home and they discuss the issues. Scout eventually joins them, catching bits of their conversation. But when Atticus comes home, he asks Calpurnia to accompany him to tell Helen Robinson that her husband is dead. He had had a good chance but he lost all hope so he tried to run away and got shot. Aunt Alexandra starts to worry about Atticus it “tears him to pieces” (236). She thinks that Atticus is doing what everyone else if afraid of doing.

In chapter 24 Scout was asked what she'd want to become, when shes older she answered a Lady. This Picture shows a little lady (:

1. Is Tom better off dead?
2. Has Scout changed? Is she growing up? How
3.The ladies are aware of the unrest among the African American population following Tom's trial.The call this response "unchristian".What is your reaction to this?

Chapter 23

When Scout and Jem see Atticus, they decide to try persuade him into buying a gun for his own safety.But Atticus tells them that you have to put yourself in Mr.Ewell’s shoes, he would rather get spat in the face and save Mayella a beating.Atticus also think that the law should change so “only judges have the power of fixing the penalty in capital cases” (220). Later on, Scout asks Aunt Alexandra if she can invite Walter Cunningham but Scout can’t because Walter is “white trash” (225). According to Jem,there are three types of people, but Scout thinks there are one type of people, but then why can’t they get along?

In Chapter 23 Scout and Jem argue about the different kinds of people in Maycomb. Scout says that all people are the same and that there is only one kind of people in the world. Which again shows her innocence. On the Picture you see kids that are all equal.

1. What do we learn about Atticus' view about justice and law in this chapter? How does hisview differ from yours?
2. What would you have done if you were pat in the face with tobacco spit? Why is Atticus so cool about it?
3. How are people classified in Maycomb? How are people classified in Dakar?

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Chapter 22

When Atticus arrives back home he doesn't seem to want to talk about the trai leven if Aunt Alexandra showed that she cared. The next morning he recieves food from all the people wo supported Tom Robinson, they appreciate what he tried to do.After they go to Miss Maudie's for cake and she tells then that even though it is unfair they are taking "baby steps" (216). Eventaulls when they decide to head home, they learn from Ms.Stephanie Crawford that Mr.Bob Ewell spit in Atticus's face an that he would " get him if it took the rest of his life" (217).

Tom Robinson was found guilty by the jury:


1.Why has Miss Maudie not made a cake for Jem?

2.What do you think Miss Maudie was thinking as she waited for the verdict?

3.What kid of person is Miss Maudie?

4.What does the clown that Dill wants to be symbolized?

Chapter 21

As the trial goes on,Calpurnia takes Jem,Scout and Dil back home from the courtroom,as Aunt Alexandra was worried because they were not back home.Back at home, they eat silently and Aunt Alexandra does not say a word.When they come back to court, it feels as though time is passing really slowly until the get the verdict,and eventually they get their answer.Guilty.

In chapter 21 Tom Robinson Lost the Trial.
PICTURE (injustice)


1.Jem is convinced that Atticus has won and overrides Reverend Sykes warning. Why does Jem do this? What does this say about his innocence?
2.Tom Robinson is definitely not guilty, why is he accused anyway?
3.Atticus loses his case but the African-American spectators stand up as he passes anyway, why do they do this?
4.Why do people send food to Atticus? What does this say about Atticus? Why food?

Monday, April 5, 2010

Chapter 20

As Scout and Dill head out of the court because Dill feels sick,the end up meeting Mr.Dolphus Raymond.He offers Dill something in a bag,which they find out is a coke bottle.Apparentl he isn't as bad as people think he is,he isn't much of a drinker.He lets people believe what they want to believe rather than to correct them.Back at the courtoom Atticus tells the jury what he thinks of the case and that the facts are all there.
The children discover Dolphus Raymond's secret.
"Some folks don't like the way I live....I try to give people a reason, you see. It helps if they can latch onto a reason....folks can say Dolphus Raymond is in the clutches of wiskey."

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Chapter 19

As the trial goes on,Tom Robinson tells his side of the story.Apparently,he would always do small chores for Mayella because he felt "sorry for her"(197) because no one was helping her out. Eventually when he came over to help her with a hinge of the door that was apparently broken,it wasn't. Suddenly, she jumped on him and kissed him,even though Tom tried to resist. When he told Mayella to stop, he heard Mr.Ewell tell he she was "dead"(194) and he ran as fast he oculd.What could Mayella be loosing if she told the truth?


Thursday, March 18, 2010

Chapter 18

As Mayella Ewell comes up to testify.Atticus brings up interesting points and questions,although Mayella tires to dart from them.She testifies that tom Robinson choked her,then hit her and finally raped he.When Atticus asks why no one came,no answer.Why didn't anyone come when they heard her scream? No answer. Why?! Mayella answers this question by bursting out crying.

This chapter was all in the court room. So i choose a court room from the 1930's. Also i thought this was by far the most interesting chapter until now. Mr. Ewelll being left-handed proved Atticus "right".
PICTURE (first one)
PICTURE (second one)


· What do you think of Mayella’s life? Why won’t Mayella admit that her father hits her?

· Do you think she is telling the truth? Explain.

· Atticus feels compassion for Mayella; does she realize this? Why is she so mean to Atticus?

Chapter 17

As the trial continues,Atticus asks Mr.Tate how he found Mayella and how her injure were.Apparently, Mayella had a lot of bruises everywhere.When Atticus is done questioning Mr.Tate,Mr.Ewell comes up to be questioned about what he saw.Surprisingly,Mr.Ewell is left-handed and Mayella's left eye was bruised.Could thi mean something?


In this chapter Miss.Mayella Ewell was being examinated,she had hesitant answers that showed she was really lying


· Bob Ewell took the stand. How does his physical appearance and manner affect his testimony? Is he credible?

· What do you think really happened? Is Tom Robinson guilty? What evidence do you have to support your idea?

· Compare the Ewell’s house to African-American houses around them. What does this symbolize?

· There are six geraniums (flowers) in the corner of the yard of the Ewell’s house. These flowers stand out and create contrast. What do the flowers symbolize? Who do you think waters and takes care of these flowers? What does this say about the person?

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Chapter 16


That night Scout starts crying abotu the night's events and Jem tries to comfort her until she drifts back to sleep.According to Atticus,Mr.Cunningham tried to hurt him but he is still "basically a good man"(157) and Scout is not hurt Walter at school. Later,they see foot-washing baptists being rude to Miss Maudie and Scout asks Jem what a ixed child is; Mr Dolphus Raymond has one and he doesn't seem to care what people think of it.Also, they see Judge Taylor,the one who appointed Tom to Atticus and apparetnly he is different from the other judges,in a good or bad way...?

They see that Judge Thomas is different than the other judges.(:


· Are you surprised that Dolphus Raymond is not part of the Maycomb community?

· What do you think about the situation of his children?

· What does the sight of children sitting in the “colored” balcony suggest about their sympathies? Can you think of anyone else that would sit there, or be welcome there?

· Judge Taylor has some eccentric habits. Can you find some examples? Do you think he is a good judge? Explain.

Chapter 15

Literary Luminary
"I've never heard of a gang in Maycomb. Ku klux got after some Catholics one time" (147).

I chose this passage because, this sounds a bit suspicious. This passage shows the readers that there are some secrets in Maycomb.

"Hey Mr. Cunningham. the man did not hear me, it seemed. Hey Mr. Cunningham. How's your entailment gettin' along? ......Don't you remember me, Mr. Cunningham?......I go to school with Walter. Hes your boy, ain't he? Ain't he, sir? Mr. Cunningham was moved to a faint nod. He did know me, after all. He's in my grade, I said. And he does right well. He's a good boy, I added. A real nice boy. We brought him home for dinner one time. Maybe he told you about me, I beat him up one time but he was real nice about it. Tell him hey for me, won't you?"(153-154).

I chose this passage because after scout finished talking to Mr. Cunningham, all the men left Atticus. This shows that the men really thought about what they were going to do, and realized that they were doing something wrong.

"Finally Atticus returned, switched off the light above the jail door, and picked up his chair. Can I carry it for you Mr. Finch? asked Dill.... Sure son" (155).

I chose this passage because it shows that Dill is getting older and feels like a family member. Even Atticus says sure son.


Dill is finally allowed to stay at Maycomb and for a few days there is peace.One day,men gather up to speak to Atticus at home and Jem worries that the Ku Klux are back and he is worried abotu Atticus. Sunday night,Jem decideds to sneak out since Atticus did the unbelievable and took their car. As he gets up,Scout decides togot with him and Dill joins them too. Apparently,Atticus ended up at the Maycomb jail as they get closer to him Scout runs up to Atticus,surprising him. When Atticus tells Jem to take them home,he refuses many times until they see Mr.Cunnigham.When he leaves Atticus tells Tom that they "won't bother you anymore" (155).

Jem sneaks out to follow his dad who left with the car. Scout and Dill decide to join him.


· What do you think of Jem’s behavior in this chapter?

· Notice Scout’s naivety; describe a time when you were naive.

· Does Scout understand the situation?

· Why do you think Mr. Cunningham leads the mob?

· Why does Dill carry the chair for Atticus? What does this gesture suggest?