Thursday, March 18, 2010

Chapter 18

As Mayella Ewell comes up to testify.Atticus brings up interesting points and questions,although Mayella tires to dart from them.She testifies that tom Robinson choked her,then hit her and finally raped he.When Atticus asks why no one came,no answer.Why didn't anyone come when they heard her scream? No answer. Why?! Mayella answers this question by bursting out crying.

This chapter was all in the court room. So i choose a court room from the 1930's. Also i thought this was by far the most interesting chapter until now. Mr. Ewelll being left-handed proved Atticus "right".
PICTURE (first one)
PICTURE (second one)


· What do you think of Mayella’s life? Why won’t Mayella admit that her father hits her?

· Do you think she is telling the truth? Explain.

· Atticus feels compassion for Mayella; does she realize this? Why is she so mean to Atticus?

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