Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Chapter 6

Literary Luminary

"A gigantic moon was rising behind Miss Maudie's pecan trees"(50).

This quote expresses theme and setting. You can just see that happening in real life.

"Then I saw the shadow. It was the shadow of a man with a hat on. At first I thought it was a tree, but there was no wind blowing, and tree-trunks never walked. The back porch was bathed in the moonlight, and the shadow, crisp as toast" (53).

Harper Lee paints a picture of the scene and it makes me feel like I'm there watching this play out.

"Shot in the air. Scared him pale,though. Says if anybody sees a white nigger around, that's the one. Says he's got the other barrel waitin' for the next sound he hears in that patch, an' next time he won't aim high, be it dog or Jem Finch!"(54).

This kind of shows a bit of irony,for example at the end when they talk about aiming high be it a dog or Jem finch. I think its controversial.

"Atticus ain't ever whipped me since i can remember. I wantta keep it that way" (56).

This shows that Jem actually cares about his actions and doesn't want to disappoint Atticus.


Jem and Dill decide to see what is inside the Radley house and Scout joins them. Jem manages to see inside the house before he runs away and hears a shotgun.Dill, Jem and Scout run for safety but Jem gets stuck in a tree and has to leave his pants behind. The neighbours are awakened and they run to see what’s happening and Jem almost gets caught for being in his underwear. Since Jem doesn’t want to get caught, he decides to get his pants back from the Radley house as much as Scout pleads him not to, and he comes back without uttering a sound.


First picture (stuck in a tree)In this chapter when Scout, Jem and Dill were running away from the Radley's house, Jem got stuck in the fence.I think his picture is really fitting, because here someone got stuck in a tree. (: STUCK IN A TREE

Second picture (matches)When Jem got asked where his pants are he answered that they were playing "strip poker", but not with cards, with matches.I think that part was really funny, it shows how little kids make up white lies to not get in trouble. I think Harper Lee pictured this. MATCHES

Discussion Questions
1.Why are Jem, Scout, and Dill fascinated with Boo? Have you ever been fascinated with something that your parents didn't want you to be involved with?
2.Why does Mr. Radley assume that he shot at a black person?
3.When I read the word "nigger" I cringe. Some might say it's just a word, what do you think? Is it okay when black people call each other "nigger"? Can a white person call a black person "nigger" as a joke?
4.Why is it important to Jem to get the pants?
5.Did you notice that Jem lied to Atticus with ease? Was that okay? Is it okay to lie?

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