Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Chapter 19
As the trial goes on,Tom Robinson tells his side of the story.Apparently,he would always do small chores for Mayella because he felt "sorry for her"(197) because no one was helping her out. Eventually when he came over to help her with a hinge of the door that was apparently broken,it wasn't. Suddenly, she jumped on him and kissed him,even though Tom tried to resist. When he told Mayella to stop, he heard Mr.Ewell tell he she was "dead"(194) and he ran as fast he oculd.What could Mayella be loosing if she told the truth?
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Chapter 18
As Mayella Ewell comes up to testify.Atticus brings up interesting points and questions,although Mayella tires to dart from them.She testifies that tom Robinson choked her,then hit her and finally raped he.When Atticus asks why no one came,no answer.Why didn't anyone come when they heard her scream? No answer. Why?! Mayella answers this question by bursting out crying.
This chapter was all in the court room. So i choose a court room from the 1930's. Also i thought this was by far the most interesting chapter until now. Mr. Ewelll being left-handed proved Atticus "right".
PICTURE (first one)
PICTURE (second one)
· What do you think of Mayella’s life? Why won’t Mayella admit that her father hits her?
· Do you think she is telling the truth? Explain.
· Atticus feels compassion for Mayella; does she realize this? Why is she so mean to Atticus?
Chapter 17
As the trial continues,Atticus asks Mr.Tate how he found Mayella and how her injure were.Apparently, Mayella had a lot of bruises everywhere.When Atticus is done questioning Mr.Tate,Mr.Ewell comes up to be questioned about what he saw.Surprisingly,Mr.Ewell is left-handed and Mayella's left eye was bruised.Could thi mean something?
In this chapter Miss.Mayella Ewell was being examinated,she had hesitant answers that showed she was really lying
· Bob Ewell took the stand. How does his physical appearance and manner affect his testimony? Is he credible?
· What do you think really happened? Is Tom Robinson guilty? What evidence do you have to support your idea?
· Compare the Ewell’s house to African-American houses around them. What does this symbolize?
· There are six geraniums (flowers) in the corner of the yard of the Ewell’s house. These flowers stand out and create contrast. What do the flowers symbolize? Who do you think waters and takes care of these flowers? What does this say about the person?
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Chapter 16
That night Scout starts crying abotu the night's events and Jem tries to comfort her until she drifts back to sleep.According to Atticus,Mr.Cunningham tried to hurt him but he is still "basically a good man"(157) and Scout is not hurt Walter at school. Later,they see foot-washing baptists being rude to Miss Maudie and Scout asks Jem what a ixed child is; Mr Dolphus Raymond has one and he doesn't seem to care what people think of it.Also, they see Judge Taylor,the one who appointed Tom to Atticus and apparetnly he is different from the other judges,in a good or bad way...?
They see that Judge Thomas is different than the other judges.(:
· Are you surprised that Dolphus Raymond is not part of the Maycomb community?
· What do you think about the situation of his children?
· What does the sight of children sitting in the “colored” balcony suggest about their sympathies? Can you think of anyone else that would sit there, or be welcome there?
· Judge Taylor has some eccentric habits. Can you find some examples? Do you think he is a good judge? Explain.
Chapter 15
Dill is finally allowed to stay at Maycomb and for a few days there is peace.One day,men gather up to speak to Atticus at home and Jem worries that the Ku Klux are back and he is worried abotu Atticus. Sunday night,Jem decideds to sneak out since Atticus did the unbelievable and took their car. As he gets up,Scout decides togot with him and Dill joins them too. Apparently,Atticus ended up at the Maycomb jail as they get closer to him Scout runs up to Atticus,surprising him. When Atticus tells Jem to take them home,he refuses many times until they see Mr.Cunnigham.When he leaves Atticus tells Tom that they "won't bother you anymore" (155).
· What do you think of Jem’s behavior in this chapter?
· Notice Scout’s naivety; describe a time when you were naive.
· Does Scout understand the situation?
· Why do you think Mr. Cunningham leads the mob?
· Why does Dill carry the chair for Atticus? What does this gesture suggest?
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Chapter 14
Scout eventually remembers thast she had asked Calpurnia to go to her place. But Aunt Alexandra dissaproves of it which leads Scout into anger,and Atticus makes her apologize.Scout ends up eavesdropping about Aunt Alexandra wanting to get rid of Cal,but Atticus won't give up on her.Later on,Jem and Scout find Dill under the bed and he had apparently ran away from home because he didn't feel comfortable there,they didn't satisty him.
In chapter 14 ,Dill ran away from home and hid under Scout's bed. When Scout steps on something and calls Jem for it they find out that Dill is under her bed !
- Jem spills the beans on Dill’s presence, what does that say about Jem? Has he changed? How? Why?
- Why does Dill consider the Finch home his true home?
- Why does Dill want to have a baby?
Chapter 13
As Aunt Alexandra joins the family, she fits in like a "hand in a glove"(132).But Sout doesn't exactly think so,she doesn't approve of her Aunt's new rules very much. Aunt Alexandra wants Scout to act like a lady and Jem like a gentleman and when Atticus gives in and tells them to behave,Scout bursts out crying. As soon asw Atticus sees Scout he tells her to "forget it" (134).
Their Aunt Alexandra came to stay with the Finch Family.
Everyone in Maycomb in happy to have her there. Even Mr. Radley came to tell her that he is happy to have her here.She "fits in like a hand in a glove" (132).
- Why is it expected that Scout be interested in clothes and “being a lady”?
- What do we learn about Maycomb in this chapter?
- What are Alexandra’s reasons for her disapproval of the kids going to church with Calpurnia? Why is she insistent that they not go to her house?