Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Chapter 9

1.When asked why he is defending Tom Robinson Atticus says, “’the main one is, if I didn’t I couldn’t hold up my head in town… I couldn’t even tell you are Jem not to do something’” (75). 2.What does defending Mr. Robinson have to do with disciplining your kids?
3.Describe a time when you were looked down on or got into trouble for sticking up for someone.
4.Why is it important to not respond to conflict with physical violence or fighting?
5.What does it mean to be ladylike?

In this chapter scout defends her dad's honor. When unkle jack sees her beating Francis, he gets mad at her and sreams at her, she starts to cry...She later tells him that he doesnt understand children and should listen to her side of the story too.


Christmas comes around and Jem,Scout and Atticus are going ot the Finch's landing for Christmas. Scout has an argument at school earlier on with Cecil because he called Atticus a "nigger lover", but she refuses to fight him because Atticus told her not to. Scout knocks out Francis's teeth and gets in trouble with her Uncle Jack,until he hears her side of the story. Later on,Scout hears Atticus and Uncle Jack speak about how they expect Scout to grow up and how her future will be.Apparently it'll be tough !

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